Monday, January 21, 2008

USA's $160+ Billion Future Combat Systems Restructured

The Army's $160+ billion Future Combat System program has been restructured, with 4 of the 18 systems in the program deferred, one removed from the program, and the fielding rate for the envisioned 15 brigade combat teams was stretched out over 5 more years, from a 2015-2025 period to 2015-2030. Army Maj. Gen. Jeffrey A. Sorenson, deputy for acquisition and systems management, said these changes would eliminate $3.4 billion from its budget over the next 5 fiscal years.

Total cost of the program is currently expected to be $162 billion, with another $2 billion slated for additional construction required. The FY 2008 budget request is $3.66 billion ($100 million procurement, $3.56 billion RDT&E), up from $3.39 awarded in FY 2007 ($0 procurement, all RDT&E). DID has already covered the deferment of the Class II and Class III UAV systems, eliminating the major UAV competitions within the program. Here are the other changes…

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